Tomorrow's Air Force
Tracing the Past, Shaping the Future
Jeffrey J. Smith
Narrated by Gary Willprecht
Available from Audible
Book published by Indiana University Press
Looking ahead to future airpower requirements, this engaging and ground-breaking book on the history and future of American combat airpower argues that the USAF must adapt to the changes that confront it or risk decline into irrelevance. To provide decision makers with the necessary analytical tools, Jeffrey J. Smith uses organizational modeling to help explain historical change in the USAF and to anticipate change in the future. While the analysis and conclusions it offers may prove controversial, the book aims to help planners make better procurement decisions, institute appropriate long-term policy, and better organize, train, and equip the USAF for the future.
Jeffrey J. Smith , US Air Force, is the Commandant and Dean of the School of Advanced Air and Space Studies, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama. He is an Air Force pilot with over 2,300 flying hours and has served in numerous command and staff positions. He holds a PhD in Political Science from Washington State University.
“With the Air Force bracing itself for a future of tight budgets, rapid technological change, and strategic uncertainty, its leaders at all levels must begin to ask themselves and each other some tough questions about the direction in which their service is headed. Those airmen willing to actively engage such discussions would do well to turn to Smith’s book as the basic point of departure for debates concerning the intricate relationship between the Air Force’s past, present, and future.”
—Strategic Studies Quarterly “According to Smith, leadership must adapt and prepare for a future battle space that is more technologically dependent, operationally dispersed, and focused away from air combat to air support and enhancement. It is a bold and courageous clarion call from a highly respected serving officer that should be read and heeded by anyone interested in the future of the US Air Force.”
—Everett Dolman, School of Advanced Airpower Studies “Col. Smith has a great grasp of what the forthcoming debate will require. The Congress must reduce the spending at the very time our enemies are overtaking our capabilities. The debate needs to be engaged now. This book comes on the scene at just the right time.
—Denny Smith, former US Congressman and Air Force F-4 pilot “Organizational responsiveness to rapidly changing external threats will require an adaptive structure and leadership committed to synergistic employment of all US and coalition forces. This book is 'out of the box' thinking and is very timely given the recent and evolving Air Force roles and missions.”
—Brigadier General Al Rachel, USAF (Ret.)