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University Press Audiobooks publishes the following audiobooks by arrangement with University of New Mexico Press:

The American Military Frontiers

The American Military Frontiers

The United States Army in the West, 1783-1900

Robert Wooster

Anasazi America

Anasazi America

Seventeen Centuries on the Road from Center Place, Second Edition

David E. Stuart

The Ancient Southwest

The Ancient Southwest

Chaco Canyon,Bandelier, and Mesa Verde, Revised Edition

David E. Stuart

Broken Glass

Broken Glass

A Family's Journey Through Mental Illness

Robert V. Hine

Brothels, Bordellos, and Bad Girls

Brothels, Bordellos, and Bad Girls

Prostitution in Colorado, 1860-1930

Jan Mackell

Bunion Derby

Bunion Derby

The 1928 Footrace Across America

Charles B. Kastner

Cowtown Wichita and the Wild, Wicked West

Cowtown Wichita and the Wild, Wicked West

Stan Hoig

Crash of TWA Flight 260

Crash of TWA Flight 260

Charles M. Williams

Desert Lawmen

Desert Lawmen

The High Sheriffs of New Mexico and Arizona 1846-1912

Larry D. Ball

Diseases and Human Evolution

Diseases and Human Evolution

Ethne Barnes

Dreaming the Biosphere

Dreaming the Biosphere

The Theater of All Possibilities

Rebecca Reider

Easter Island's Silent Sentinels

Easter Island's Silent Sentinels

The Sculpture and Architecture of Rapa Nui

Kenneth Treister, Patricia Vargas Casanova and Claudio Cristino

Emiliano Zapata!

Emiliano Zapata!

Revolution and Betrayal in Mexico

Samuel Brunk



The Spark That Ignited Human Evolution

Frances D. Burton

Frontier Naturalist

Frontier Naturalist

Jean Louis Berlandier and the Exploration of Northern Mexico and Texas

Russell M. Lawson

Global West, American Frontier

Global West, American Frontier

Travel, Empire, and Exceptionalism from Manifest Destiny to the Great Depression

David M. Wrobel

Gunsmoke and Saddle Leather

Gunsmoke and Saddle Leather

Firearms in the Nineteenth-Century American West

Charles G. Worman

A Harvest of Reluctant Souls

A Harvest of Reluctant Souls

Fray Alonso de Benavides's History of New Mexico, 1630

Baker H. Morrow

High Noon in Lincoln

High Noon in Lincoln

Violence on the Western Frontier

Robert M. Utley

Hip to the Trip

Hip to the Trip

A Cultural History of Route 66

Peter B. Dedek

How Cities Won the West

How Cities Won the West

Four Centuries of Urban Change in Western North America

Carl Abbott

In the Shadow of Billy the Kid

In the Shadow of Billy the Kid

Susan McSween and the Lincoln County War

Kathleen P. Chamberlain

The Indian Frontier

The Indian Frontier


R. Douglas Hurt

The Indian Frontier, 1846-1890

The Indian Frontier, 1846-1890

Revised Edition

Robert M. Utley

Inka Human Sacrifice and Mountain Worship

Inka Human Sacrifice and Mountain Worship

Strategies for Empire Unification

Thomas Besom

Kit Carson and His Three Wives

Kit Carson and His Three Wives

A Family History

Marc Simmons

Madam Millie

Madam Millie

Bordellos from Silver City to Ketchikan

Marlin May

María of Ágreda

María of Ágreda

Mystical Lady in Blue

Marilyn H. Fedewa

Protecting Yellowstone

Protecting Yellowstone

Science and the Politics of National Park Management

Michael J. Yochim

Rider of the Pale Horse

Rider of the Pale Horse

A Memoir of Los Alamos and Beyond

McAllister Hull and Amy Bianco

Spain and the Independence of the United States

Spain and the Independence of the United States

An Intrinsic Gift

Thomas E. Chavez

A Spy's Guide to Santa Fe and Albuquerque

A Spy's Guide to Santa Fe and Albuquerque

Edward Held

The Wrath of God

The Wrath of God

Lope de Aguirre, Revolutionary of the Americas

Evan L. Balkan


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All titles are published by:
University Press Audiobooks
an imprint of Redwood Audiobooks

University Press Audiobooks
