university press audiobooks
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University Press Audiobooks publishes the following audiobooks by arrangement with University of Illinois Press:

America's Religions

America's Religions

From Their Origins to the Twenty-first Century

Peter W. Williams



A History of America's Game

Benjamin G. Rader

Christian America and the Kingdom of God

Christian America and the Kingdom of God

Richard T. Hughes

Elliott Carter

Elliott Carter

James Wierzbicki

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Road to the New Deal, 1882-1939

Roger Daniels

Golf in America

Golf in America

George B. Kirsch

John Cage

John Cage

David Nicholls

Making the News Popular

Making the News Popular

Mobilizing U.S. News Audiences

Anthony M. Nadler

Mojo Workin'

Mojo Workin'

The Old African American Hoodoo System

Katrina Hazzard-Donald

Music in the Age of Anxiety

Music in the Age of Anxiety

American Music in the Fifties

James Wierzbicki

NFL Football

NFL Football

A History of America's New National Pastime

Richard C. Crepeau



The Ecological Basis of Revolutionary Change

William R. Catton

Pen and Sword

Pen and Sword

American War Correspondents, 1898-1975

Mary S. Mander

A People's History of Baseball

A People's History of Baseball

Mitchell Nathanson

Refiguring Mass Communication

Refiguring Mass Communication

A History

Peter Simonson

The Rise of the National Basketball Association

The Rise of the National Basketball Association

David George Surdam

Spider Web

Spider Web

The Birth of American Anticommunism

Nick Fischer

Talking Union

Talking Union

Judith Stepan-Norris and Maurice Zeitlin

The Taste for Civilization

The Taste for Civilization

Food, Politics, and Civil Society

Janet A. Flammang

The War of 1812

The War of 1812

A Forgotten Conflict

Donald R. Hickey

History  |  Science  |  Philosophy  |  Religion  |  Arts  |  Politics  |  Culture

Actors/Actresses  |  Africa  |  African-American  |  Air Force  |  Alcohol  |  American Frontiers  |  American Midwest  |  American Northwest  |  American South  |  American Southwest  |  American West  |  Americana  |  Animals  |  Anthropology  |  Appalachia  |  Archaeology  |  Architecture/Engineering  |  Army  |  Arts  |  Astronomy  |  Authoritarianism  |  Autism  |  Automotive  |  Aviation  |  Award-Winning  |  Baseball  |  Basketball  |  Bestsellers  |  Bible  |  Bicycles  |  Biography/Memoir  |  Birds  |  Business  |  Business Leadership  |  California  |  Capitalism  |  Catholicism  |  Chicago  |  China/Asia  |  Christian Studies  |  Circus/Rodeo  |  Cities  |  Civil Rights Movement  |  Civil War  |  Classics  |  Climate Change  |  Cold War  |  Comics  |  Communes/Cults  |  Computing/Internet  |  Country Music  |  Creativity  |  Crime  |  Culture  |  Dance  |  Democracy  |  Disabilities  |  Disasters  |  Drugs  |  Earthquakes  |  Eastern Religions  |  Economics/Finance  |  Education  |  Environment  |  Ethics/Morality  |  Evolution  |  Explorers/Pioneers  |  Farming  |  Feuds  |  Fiction  |  Film  |  Fire  |  Folk Music  |  Food  |  Football  |  Foreign Policy  |  Gardens  |  Geography/Geology  |  Government  |  Great Lakes  |  Grief/Death  |  Guns  |  Gunslinger  |  Health  |  Hemingway  |  History  |  History, American 1500-1799  |  History, American 1800-1899  |  History, American 1900-Today  |  History, Ancient  |  History, British  |  History, European  |  History, Medieval  |  History, World  |  Holocaust/Genocide  |  Horses  |  Human Rights  |  Hunting/Fishing  |  Immigration  |  Imprisonment  |  Iraq  |  Jewish Studies  |  Journalism  |  Jung  |  Korean War  |  Labor  |  Law  |  Law Enforcement  |  Leadership  |  Lewis And Clark  |  LGBTQ  |  Lincoln  |  Literary Criticism  |  Manufacturing/Construction  |  Marines  |  Maritime  |  Marketing/Promotion  |  Media  |  Medicine/Nursing  |  Military  |  Military Leaders  |  Military Memoirs  |  Military Science  |  Mind  |  Mining  |  Mormon History  |  Music  |  Music Bios  |  Myth/Magic/Supernatural  |  National  |  National Security  |  Native American  |  Navy  |  New Orleans  |  New York  |  Nuclear  |  Oil/Energy  |  Philosophy  |  Plains Wars  |  Political Bios  |  Political Divisions  |  Political Elections  |  Political Issues  |  Political Protest  |  Political Rhetoric  |  Politics  |  Politics, Conservative  |  Politics, Progressive  |  POW  |  Presidency  |  Psychology  |  Public Service  |  Racism  |  Railroads  |  Religion  |  Religion In America  |  Revolutionary War  |  Romance/Sexuality  |  Science  |  Slavery  |  Small Town Life  |  Space Flight  |  Special Forces  |  Spies/Intelligence  |  Sports  |  Submarines  |  Teen Self-Help  |  Terrorism  |  Texas  |  Texas Rangers  |  Theatre/Comedy  |  Travel/Adventure  |  TV/POP  |  U.S. Constitution  |  Victorian  |  Vietnam War  |  War Of 1812  |  Water  |  Wilderness  |  Women’s Interests  |  World War Ⅰ  |  World War Ⅱ  |  Writing

All titles are published by:
University Press Audiobooks
an imprint of Redwood Audiobooks

University Press Audiobooks
